05/12/19: The Open Programme is now OPEN
05/04/17: Funding database for the DCT Area - click on 'Resources' below

Small Grants 2011

In 2011 eight grants of up to £5,000 were awarded to:

Deptford Film Club

To run free/low cost fortnightly screenings of non-mainstream films at the Birds Nest in Deptford and to set up a new film club at the Pepys Resource Centre to serve the northern part of Deptford.

Evelyn Tenants & Residents Association

To host a social fun day aimed at older residents of the area, including a variety of activities/entertainment as well as local services such as the Fire Brigade, NHS Trust, Lewisham Pensioners Forum and social landlords attending to provide advice and information.

Family Services UK

To establish a team of volunteer mentors led by a mentoring coordinator. Volunteers were supported to provide a planned programme for users which will help them to identify employment and training goals.

Food Skills Ltd

To deliver a NOCN Level 1 Food Preparation course and mentoring for 10 unemployed young people.

Good Retirements

The group would like to provide a series of exercise classes for older members of the community. The group would like to offer 1 beginners line dancing class, 1 intermediate line dancing class and a seated exercise class. All classes will be delivered by a qualified instructor.

Noahs Ark Children’s Venture

To provide free residential opportunities 15 Deptford groups working with people from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with disabilities. The centre provides a variety of activities on-site, both indoor and outdoor; bikes and bike track, swings, 18 acres of woodland offering woodland learning programmes, pool, table tennis, and an interactive therapy room.

Pepys Community Forum

To employ a consultant for 12-16 days (depending on the final agreed rate) to produce a realistic assessment of what non-grant income opportunities exist or could be developed and what is involved in pursuing them. Areas looked at included: local potential for asset transfer and investment; engagement with the Localism Bill and the pros and cons of receiving a Big Society Bank loan.

The Macmillan Educational Herb Garden

To run art and environmental educational workshops throughout the year, and during school holidays for local residents and school children. The project also hosts regular musical events featuring local acts.